Sunday, 21 May 2023

Matrix: Flexi vs Carl - part 4

Final chapter in our pairing up of Flexifoil and Carl Robershaw Matrix kites! Following our pairing up of Flexi and CR UL/SULStandard and Super-vented kites, the final pair were the Vented versions. 

First on the lines, as usual, the Flexi Matrix

Flew fine, given the rather variable wind, but showed some oversteer: crisp corners were difficult to execute without a wobble.

Then the CR Matrix

Felt more crisp, and clearly less oversteer.

So next step, obviously, is to fly them side-by-side.

They weren't perfectly matched, and the difference in oversteer was more noticeable, flying them next to each other. Of the various Flexi-CR pairs we flew recently, these are the most different in terms of sail, as the surface area and the placing of the mesh panels is quite different between the two vented Matrices.

This was the final pairing, and it was fun and interesting to get a feel for them this way. Generally, the CR Matrices felt a bit more 'direct' on the lines than their Flexi counterparts. Quite possibly because the Flexi kites were clearly older, and with many more flight hours than the CR kites; the Flexi sails were clearly 'baggiers', the CR sails 'crispier' 

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