Monday, 10 April 2023

Matrix: Flexi vs Carl - part 2

Recently we got our hands on two sets of Matrix kites, one set made by Flexifoil, one set from Carl Robertshaw. That opened up the possibility of flying pairs of Flexi - CR Matrix kites. Following the ULs and SULs a few days ago, the 23-35mph winds today told us to fly the Super-venteds.

First on the lines was the Flexi Supervented.

It really pulled like a truck, so some changes to the bridle settings were required to make the pull manageable.

And then it was the turn of the CR Supervented.

Same story: pulled like a truck and so bridle tweaking required. 

And then of course the aim of the whole exercise: fly the two Matrix kites together.

They flew well together, but the pull remained considerable. 

You may have noticed that the Flexi and CR Matrix kites differ in the exact number and position of the mesh panels (the Flexi Matrix has more removable patches), but nevertheless, we could fly them together without much of a problem.

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