Although we can now fly dual-line pair and team routines in several different combinations, one aspect of dual-line flying isn't really represented in L-katz' portfolio: slack-line trick flying. And with that in mind, we have now invited Tim, Solent Kite Flyers' best trick flyer, to join L-katz officially.
In a way, this formalises something which has already been happening: Tim flew in trick-outs at Weymouth and Basingstoke, and flew full trick routines at Southampton and Brighton. He and Roger flew a pair routine involving Skydancers at Southampton, and, together with my VampDevil routine, first flown at Malmesbury, and the possibility for me to fly a solo Skydancer routine, or even join in with Tim and Roger for a 3-man Skydancer routine, we have several options to fly quad-line displays under the L-katz banner. And all that means that, depending on the circumstances, L-katz can fly a wide range of displays, involving dual-line pair or team flying, dual-line trick flying, and quad-line solo, pair or team flying. Plus there is something brewing involving Neil, Irma, and three kites; watch this space ...
Tim, welcome to L-katz!
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