Wednesday 13 March 2013

2013 festival plans

The winter has been pretty bad for flying, and we lost a lot of days due to bad weather. But it will get better (won't it?), so let's quickly look ahead at the 2013 festival season. Where are we going and, maybe even more importantly: where are we flying? All weather-permitting, of course!

Weymouth Kite Festival, held May 4-6 (with the Saturday not having a specific programme) will be our festival season opener. We won't be flying there, but will be enjoying seeing some of the top UK teams and pairs perform, and generally catching up with people.

Basingstoke Kite Festival takes place on June 1-2. Since we took up flying kites, we have been to Basingstoke every year, and this year we will even fly there, both as Flying Fish and as part of L-katz!

When we flew at the Southampton Kite Festival last year, we did so thinking it would be the last one. Well, it may not have been so after all ... It's still early days, but Southampton Kite Festival may happen in 2013, and if it does, it's likely to be June 15-16. Clearly, if it happens, we'll fly there. Fingers crossed!

Brighton Kite Festival is scheduled for July 13-14. We flew there last year, and we'll fly there again this year, this time both as Flying Fish and with L-katz.

As every year, Portsmouth Kite Festival, held August 24-26 (the Monday is free-flying), will be the last of the big festivals for us. We're not expecting to fly there (we're not that good yet!), but you never know of course. Whether we actually fly there or not, we will really enjoy ourselves!

In addition to these five, there are a few smaller events that we may attend, and possibly fly in, but details are still not clear, so it's a bit too early to list them here. Simply follow this blog, and you'll find out!

Hope to see you at one or more of the festivals in 2013. Just come say hi!

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